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Roast Beef Sandwich with Chimichurri


  • l/2    bunch cilantro                    

  • l/2    bunch parsley                    

  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar                    

  • l teaspoon worcestershire sauce                    

  • l/2 teaspoon garlic powder                    

  • l/2 teaspoon cumin - ground                    

  • l/2  teaspoon coriander - ground                    

  • l/4 teaspoon chile flake                    

  • l/4 teaspoon salt                    

Directions: Chop the parsley & cilantro together. Combine with all other ingredients in a mixing bowl, stir to combine.                             

To Assemble                                            

  • 4 slices seeded rye pullman                    

  • l red onion                    

  • l/2 cups arugula                    

  • l/2  inch roast beef                    

  • l/4 cup mayo                                            

Directions: Shave the onion thin. Spread mayo on both pieces of bread, or mayo on one piece and whole grain mustard on the other slice if you're feeling daring. Place the onions and  1/4" of the roast beef on two slices, top the beef generously with the chimichurri, then pile on arugula and top with the remaining slice of bread.